DAMTA President’s Message
February 2018

Hello DAMTA!
How much time do you spend outside of lessons preparing for the lessons? Working with beginners doesn’t usually require much preparation. But more advanced students can.
I often arrange pop songs for my students. Too often the available sheet music is too difficult or just poorly done. But when I have multiple arrangements to do in a week, and each can take a couple hours or more, it can get time consuming.
Sometimes I will do some of that work in a lesson, but it feels like I’m leaving the student unattended and it just works better to do the work at home.
Looking for repertoire can also take time outside of the lesson itself.
I’d like to start a conversation on this topic. Perhaps I will bring it up at the member forum in the Feb. meeting. It would also be great if we could post this message on Facebook and members could comment there. I look forward to the wisdom of my fellow DAMTA members!
Vince Madison / DAMTA President