Apply For DAMTA Scholarship Here

DAMTA Scholarship
Each year DAMTA grants a number of scholarships to deserving students of DAMTA members.
This year (2024) we will be granting five (5) $200 scholarships.
If you have a student you would like to submit for a scholarship, fill out the form below.
The scholarship committee will review the applications and award the scholarships this May.
Deadline for application is April 21st, 2024. Below are the DAMTA Scholarship Guidelines from the DAMTA Standing Rules.
(Item II of the DAMTA Standing Rules)
Financial Support & Charitable Contributions
- Scholarships
- Resources
- Yearbook Ads, after expenses
- Musicales – $10.00 per student, after expenses
- Spookathon – $10.00 per student, after expenses
- Yearly total $1,000
- Scholarship amount per applicant is $200 (5 awards)
- Applicant will submit a DAMTA Scholarship Application to the 3rd Vice President no later than March 31st. The application form is on the website.
- Resources
- Teachers and students may apply for a scholarship.
- Scholarships may be used for:
- Summer Camps
- Festivals
- Master student/teacher lessons
- Teachers – special advanced work.
- Review Committee will be chaired by the 3rd VP and consist of two other members for review and recommendations.
- The student/teacher awarded a scholarship may perform at the May Musicale.